Euskera is our only future
Peio Etcheverry Enbata 2023ko urtarrilaren 11

60 years ago, when Jakes Abeberry wrote the first word sar, he showed his concern for the future of the Basque people, both in the Basque Country and in the Basque situation. I saw bad signs and had this simple question, if in the forty years there were people to speak in Basque, or at least to teach Basque. For his great capacity, Jakes already stressed the importance of teaching and his enthusiasm for fighting.

Since then, we have collected and enjoyed the Enbata movement and the fruits of the seeds that have been cultivated by various structures and people. Jakes, before giving his last sigh, has the opportunity to answer the question he posed in his first post. Of course there are shadows and clouds in the Basque meteor, but at the beginning of this new year and when it comes to writing a tribute to Jakes we will take the decision of optimism.

Jakes' relationship with the Basque Country was interesting, some will think it was complicated. In his political career he has turned to the defense of the Basque culture, to the defense of the Basque country, promoting the structures and tools that our language needs. In Biarritz, he faced a great challenge to offer or make a place for the Basque.

In his daily life he tried to Euskaldunizar, but he did not succeed. In the first steps of Enbata, debates arose, perhaps unmarked, about the place the Basque should occupy in daily life or in militancy. In general, at the time, different views appeared among the militants of the coast and the interior.

"Jakes Abeberry and the people who have done so have shown that we can secure the future of this country from the perspective offered by the Basque Country"

In an intervention held a few days ago in Luhuso, Eñaut Etxamendi stressed the situation of the Basque Country beyond the Second World War, the psychological suffering and suffering suffered by the young people of the time. Eñaut recognized that he almost had doubts for the future of the Basque Country at that time. Faced with this situation, faced with all the aspirations of our people or community, people such as Jakes rose up and organized themselves, emphasizing that "dreaming for an ideal but working on its materialization".

Several articles have mentioned the importance of Irulegi's hand to document the history of the Basque country or to build our national feeling, somehow to give more strength to our dignity. A militant like Jakes, a Basque, shows us that it is in our hands to have him follow the path of the Basque Country and the Basque country.

How many times you have heard, how many times we have heard, and how many times today's young Basques hear that the Basque Country or the Basque culture are obsolete, that they do not serve at all.

We demonstrated step by step that this is an adversary; Jakes and the people around him have demonstrated that we can ensure the future of this country and overcome the challenges that the world knows from here, starting from the Basque culture and, ultimately, from the perspective offered by the Basque Country or from the millenary experience.

Our past is in some way present, the Basque is our only future.