A human chain for the Basque unified from Errenteria to Donostia
  • Under the motto "Towards the Union", 8,000 people have gathered who have claimed Euskera over 8,226 meters. Subsequently, the students have gathered in five spaces enabled by the organization. In the afternoon they will continue the initiative and pay tribute to fifteen promoters of the Basque Country batua.
Leire Rodriguez Garmendia @leirero_22 2023ko martxoaren 24a
Umeek ordu erdiz batu dituzte bi herriak. Argazkia: Twitter (@UrdalletaIrati).

The human chain for the unified Basque country started on Friday at 11:00, an initiative organized by Euskaltzaindia and Ikastola to the town. Under the motto "Towards the Union", some 8,000 people have met. They have participated about 50 ikastolas from all over Euskal Herria and from Errenteria to Donostia have claimed the language for 8.226 meters.

Berria journalist Irati Urdalleta has followed up and reported that the children have gathered the two peoples for half an hour. He departed from the Alameda de Gamón de Errenteria, in front of the sculpture of remembrance to the linguist Koldo Mitxelena, and ended in front of the building of the old Donostiarra town hall in the Old Part.

After the human chain, the students have gathered in five spaces enabled by the organization to celebrate acts of exalting the Euskara batua; in Errenteria, Pasaia, in the Herrera district of Donostia, in the ikastola Zurriola and in the plaza de la Constitución.

At 17:30 an institutional event will be held in the hall of events of the City of Errenteria in tribute to the promoters of the unified Basque Country. They praised the fifteen names that drove the birth of the Basque: Koldo Mitxelena, Resurreccion Maria Azkue, Pierre Broussain, Jose Maria Satrustegi, Julia Berrojalbiz, Xabier Kintana, Raimundo Olabide, Julene Azpeitia, Luis Villasante, Martin Urnor