Agents and individuals from Vitoria-Gasteiz join the national demonstration 'Euskara aurrera'
  • Various Basque collectives and personalities from the Basque culture of Vitoria-Gasteiz have organised a bus for the demonstration to be held on Saturday 21 May in Donostia. Under the motto Euskara aurrera, the political and legal decisions against the normalization of the Basque country "do not cease", the project aims to give a boost to the Basque country.
Hala Bedi @halabedi 2022ko maiatzaren 18a

The Euskara Aurrera project was presented in April by different agents and individuals working in the Basque country, concerned about the situation of the Basque country: "The decisions against Euskera in the last year, the signs of stagnation shown by the data of the Cluster of Sociolinguistics, the scarce presence on the screens, the violations of rights to learn Euskera..." The initiative was presented to give impetus to the normalization of the Basque Country, and this Saturday the first mass mobilization will take place in Donostia. A collective and a group of people from the Basque culture of Vitoria-Gasteiz have called a demonstration to which they have also organised a bus.

The demonstration will start in Donostia from the Old Tunnel at 17:30 hours. The bus from Vitoria-Gasteiz will depart from Plaza San Antón at 15:30. There are tickets for sale in Txapelarri and Garraxi bars.

The Basque Country ahead

The work of the last decades that has managed to change the trend towards the loss of Euskera has made many agents of the Basque world have gathered in this initiative thinking that it is time to face the new threats that Euskera currently has. They point out that political and legal decisions against Euskera and the Basques have no continuity, on the one hand, and the influence of cultural globalization on the other.

In the face of this situation, they have demanded the work necessary to continue advancing the normalization and re-Euskaldunization of the Basque Country, highlighting the commitment of the youth in this struggle. Cooperation between institutions and civil society is also considered necessary.

They have claimed that the Basque country has to make progress to "make possible and live in Basque; to normalize the Basque country; to contribute to a world based on the equality of languages, linguistic communities and peoples; to respect the linguistic rights of all; for justice and democracy to be a problem; for the Basque country to be a fiber for popular cohesion; and, in short, for the Basque country."

In the coming weeks they will share the proposal with Euskaltzales, cultural agents and other actors, and will continue to collect individual accessions.