November 30 should be stuck to the collective memory of the Basques, better to the Popular Memory, as a memorable day. In the four areas of the Southern Foral Administration that we today call Euskal Herria, we should give up the Franco-Spanish invention “province”, the first Basque feminist general strike – Navarre – went ahead. Because it materialized in the south of the Basque Navarro people, neither in France nor in Spain.
Pirenaico law covers cooperativism, auzolan, rules for the management of communal lands or the non-profit community organisation.
So there's where to study.
It should be adhered to with the motto of care, especially women, but with an increasing intervention by men, because support for gender equality proved that it can be an inclusive society. Young people, less young and somewhat older, workers and pensioners, migrants and children of previous migrants and, in general, because today it showed its strength to bring to the streets the living agents that make up the Basque Society.
The other day in Hernani, in Soberanias, in the Vigilance section, it was commented that “the integration, coordination and relationship between the agents for the construction of the community public surveillance system is fundamental, since the current municipal structures hardly reach our needs”. There has also been mention of business and the waste of public money for taxes, there are no missing examples. Basque culture continues to maintain its own legal structure: Pirenaic law. It includes cooperativism, auzolan, rules for the management of communal lands or the non-profit Community organization. So there is where to study.
Beñi Agirre, writer and historian