Basque Republic, Basque Republic
Patxi Azparren @fraixku 2020ko azaroaren 30

The most sterile essay that can be made if you want to know more about the origin of Euskal Herria is to see the series of historian Alberto Santana. However, the effort that this man has made in an awkward manner is absolutely necessary in these historic times. I mean, in the new era.

As in many other peoples of Europe, here too, in the second half of the 19th century, culture began to be given great value. They tried to recover customs, dresses, behaviors, languages, languages, stories, beliefs -- that they were about to disappear, and they often did it was nothing but an interpretation. So things, today, many of the precious symbols of the Basque tradition, actually, were only done in four or five generations. That is, they were modern at the beginning of the 19th century and were considered traditional at the end of the 20th century.

In the Basque Country, as in many other towns around the world, we had the need to strengthen our self-esteem. Without that, the profound changes brought by modernity would destroy popular sentiment and social cohesion, and in that attempt, we built our popular epic, adapted for that time.

"Surely for the first time in all of history in these territories are more those who come from "out" than those who come from "long ago". I am afraid that we will respond badly to this situation."

XIX.mendean and some of the references that broke at the beginning of the next one were probably not correct. What at that time was considered “Basque of all life” was not entirely correct. It is known that most Basques a hundred years ago lived in Navarros. It is also known that, shortly before, there were more Basques on the Mediterranean side than on the Cantabrian side. But when cultures began to be important, the panorama of the long centuries began to change, with some of the manifestations prevailing in some counties.

Even if we go further, it is also possible that until recently some of the pillars of our popular identity are not correct. It is possible that with the look of the nineteenth century, what was considered Euskaldun, Basque or Vasconavarro, has changed its roots on more than one occasion. In my opinion, the oldest ethnogenesis of the people we know today as “Euskal Herria” was the change that emerged in the Iron Age. Techno-cultural change in which three of its components built the new cultural space. For example, the population from the Paleolithic, some groups arrived at the time of the Neolithic and others arrived at the Iron Age. By combining these three components in different ways by districts, after centuries of contacts, I believe that in Roman times and in subsequent centuries what was called Baskonia, is an area that would extend to the future legal structure.

There is a nice study to be done. The phenomenon that amazes several researchers, the fact that some descendants of the pre-Indo-European population retain their own cultural characteristics, remains an exception and, of course, a powerful tool of self-esteem.

However, more than that challenge, we need it now, for this people we call Euskal Herria, in the Planetary Age that we enjoy and suffer, to start building the future.

Surely for the first time in all of history in these territories, there are more “outsiders” than the “long-time” descendants. This is reflected in many manifestations. I am afraid that we will respond badly to this situation. We're not going to give in, because of complexes, because of floods, or if we're not going to go into a museum because of fear of news.

To this new situation must be added the massive transformation created by the Anthropocene. The bases built in the 20th century have fallen, here and across the ground. The survival of our species is in danger. Faced with this risk, the unity and diversity of the human being are at the same time, in paradoxical practice, the cure. To seize and share the legacy of the wisest cultures, to seek universal values and to preserve and develop local values and heritage.

"Without the help of the new vasco-speakers, this people would already be ingestible geriatric; without the help of people deeply rooted in this land, this territory would be transformed into a 'Non-Place' crushed by neoliberalism and globalization."

From this corner of the earth it is up to us to make a contribution, to start another small “epic”. Changing, dynamic, but which can help to recover self-esteem, which can help to weave the people, to overcome the bonds of individualism. This challenge would be called “Euskalherrigintza”, aimed at the citizens of all the counties of Euskal Herria, because we have a different past, but we have a common future. A model that places mutual care at the center, offering the most precious treasures and tools we have received to shape another social model

Those who deny plurality, colonial nationalism, want us to be limited to ethnicity. As they once denied us the status of people, they now want to deny us the right to national construction.

To begin sewing the Basque republican fabric, we need two needles: a more stable, strong, Basque, culture, collective identities, with the capacity to develop projects of a supragenerational nature, firmly rooted in this territory; another, light, mobile, with the capacity to combine different threads, with the ability to definitively guarantee collective rights.

Without the help of the new vasco-speakers, this people would already be ingestible geriatric; without the help of people deeply rooted in this land, this land would become a “Non-Place” that neoliberalism and globalization would destroy. As important as self-esteem in order to address this work is the development of a self-centralized project, without which the situation of dependence cannot be abandoned. We have to use the two needles at all times, without prioritizing one over the other, so we will get the coherence that this work needs.