The Council of Euskalgintza says that "contempt and contempt" the Basque Country
  • The Council of Navarre is opposed in a final opinion to the assessment of the knowledge of the Basque Country as merit in the jobs of the services of the Osasunbidea mixed area. He published it on 21 February. Conversely, knowledge of English, French and German is scored in the call for employment, "because they are Community languages".
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"How can the knowledge of English, French and German as Community languages be recognized as a generalized merit, but not the Basque language of Navarre? asked in the press release the Council of Euskalgintza. In this respect, it denounced that the opinion of the Council of Navarre is "negligible" and expressed an "unacceptable rejection" of the Basque country.

"The contempt of the Basque people reflected in the resolution and the rejection of citizenship is unacceptable," the note continues. The Council of Euskalgintza defends the right of all Navarros to live in Basque, so the institutions of Navarre have an obligation to guarantee not only the rights of the citizens, but also the language of their own.