San Sebastian will analyse how Basque culture and the movement for sovereignty can feed each other
  • Starting from Txillardegi’s well-known phrase “With a State, the Basque Country may not be saved, without certainty not”, EHE has organized two round tables to dialogue these two “worlds”, the Basque Country and sovereignty, in cooperation with Txillardegi Udal Liburutegia Herri Ekimena. One will be on March 16 and the other on March 21, both in the crypt of San Jerónimo Street at 19:00.
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In one of the round tables, the sovereign agents will reflect on Euskera and in the other, some cultural agents of Euskera will reflect on sovereignty. Among other issues, they will have questions such as “What mutually contribute, the Basque Country to sovereignty and sovereignty over the Basque Country?” or “How can both processes be fed?”

The first round table will be on Thursday 16 March. It will be attended by Unai Apaolaza (Ehun), Lide Hernando (Udalbiltza) and Oier Pagaegi (Herriexistence) and Naroa Iturri dynamizers.

The second will be Tuesday 21 March with Idurre Eskisabel (Euskalgintza Kontseilua), Miren Segurola (UEMA), Javi Arriaga (Gazte Euskaltzaleen Sarea) and Intza Gurrutxaga (EHE). The Round Table will be dynamised by ARGIA journalist Lander Arbelaitz.