Euskera and the social economy: #ElkarEkin!
UEU GEZKI institutua Euskalgintzaren Kontseilua @kontseilua 2021eko ekainaren 22a

Experiences in Euskera have emerged to address the process of undermining and the situations of harassment suffered by Euskera and Basque culture in the different areas of our society (media, education, leisure...). These are experiences developed from civil society, that is, from the people. Therefore, in most cases it has been related to Basque culture and culture. Very rarely, however, with the economy. And even less so, with the reality of the social economy.

The social economy proposal goes beyond the public-private dichotomy and aims to influence the collective and community dimension of economic experiences: the social economy consists of economic activities that combine the collective interest of members, the needs of society or the two dimensions mentioned, both collective and social.

GEZKI, Institute for Social Economy and Cooperative Law (UPV/EHU), has as its main objective the research, training and dissemination of the social economy. Two years ago, GEZKI was assisted by the UEU “Ikastolak eta Kooperatibismoa (I. Encounters)”. In collaboration with the Federation of Ikastolas, the objective of these meetings was to deepen the cooperative character of the ikastolas referent in Euskal Herria, identifying challenges and proposing answers.

"We would like to open ourselves from cooperativism to the social economy and take the leap from the ikastolas to the integral Basque"

After two years, and following the second step of these meetings, we came with a new proposal: from cooperativism to the social economy, and from the ikastolas to the whole of Euskera. The challenge is not stupid: How can we link the plural Basque culture with the social economy that is shaped by a variety of activities? What can the agents of the Basque world assume from the social economy proposal? What instruments or mechanisms of solidarity customary in the social economy can be useful for the challenges of the future of Euskera? And also for: What can the social economy proposal learn from the various projects and initiatives being implemented in the Basque world?

As has been said, the challenge that you want to put on the table with these meetings is not small, and so we are working with the Council on the design and organisation of the meeting. The main objective of these meetings is not so much to look at society, but to look inwards in the Basque world, to reflect on the organizational models of the different agents of Basque cultural activity and to share practices, to sow the outbreaks for future joint initiatives.

Euskal Herria is very rich in community experiences related to the Basque world and many of them are the ones we wanted to bring to Katakrak from Pamplona: Berria eta Argia, in the media sector; Errigora and Aiaraldeko Ekintzoria, in the community development; Elhuyar and Emun, in social innovation; Elkar and Ikastolen Elkartea, in the field of materials and education. Finally, AEK, Bertsozaleen Elkartea, Topagunea and Kontseilua themselves will reflect on the organisation of work, intercooperation and Community character, under the restraint of the friends of the Lanki Institute (Mondragon Unibertsitatea) and of Olatukoop (Basque social economy network).

On June 28, therefore, we will go to the capital of Euskal Herria a large number of people, since we have much to tell and share about the community experiences we have in this country, and much to learn and improve to strengthen them. You are all those who have been interested in the subject, of course, invited to this initiative!