The Designation of Origin "Euskal Sagardoa" will designate the Sidreros from the seven territories
  • In addition to extending the geographical scope of Basque Cider to the seven territories of the CAPV, it is agreed to include in the Designation of Origin the types of apples on both sides of the border. All proceedings have already been initiated and the administrative procedure has been closed.
Izaro Villarreal Lauroba 2024ko urtarrilaren 22a
Ezkerretik eskuinera: Unai Agirre, Euskal Sagardoa Jatorri Deituraren zuzendaria; Aierdi, Nafarroko Landa Garapeneko eta Ingurumeneko sailburua; Arantxa Tapia, Eusko Jaurlaritzako Ekonomiaren Garapen, Iraunkortasun eta Ingurumen sailburua; Joseba Erramundeguy, Euskal Herria Hirigune Elkargoko, mugaz gaindiko, Europako eta nazioarteko kontseilaria; eta Bixintxo Aphaul, Domaine Bordattoko sagardogilea.

Sidra Vasca will be the first beverage with the Designation of Origin Transpirenaica. They point out that from Gipuzkoa, Bizkaia and Araba it will extend to Lapurdi, Baja Navarra and Zuberoa, and in addition to expanding the geographical scope, they decide to include in the single regulation of the Designation of Origin the types of apples on both sides of the border. The European Union has already received all administrative authorisations and the administrative procedure has also been closed with Brussels.

In addition to the same regulations, it has been agreed that management and certification are carried out jointly and for this purpose the area of Control and Certification of HAZI has already started to relate to the INAO to be approved in France and that the certification of the Designation of Origin is carried out by HAZI.

The Regulatory Council, the Basque Government and the Government of Navarra undertake to address this procedure. “Northern Navarre is an apple producer, if there are sidrerías that have the same climatic conditions as here, so it is logical to join the Navarra project,” said Bixintxo Aphaule.