In favour of Basque prisoners
Unai Villacorta Rollan 2023ko irailaren 15a
2016ko uztailean San Juanekin irabazitako Zierbenako Petronor banderaren ospakizuna.

Another year is the controversy over the message of one of the winners in favour of Basque prisoners during the Concha race. This is one of the usual topics: we must not confuse sport and politics. We must not confuse them if you are on the side of the oppressed, of course, because oppressors prohibit Basque athletes from competing under the flag worldwide.

Through sport, the remers have managed to ensure that in a Basque town such as Getaria, the remers proudly draw the Spanish flag in the streets and in the town hall, or that in Hondarribia dozens of peppers are placed on the main street for long days. They say they celebrate a sports victory... but with the Spanish flag... But it's another debate that would seem long-term.

We must not confuse sport and politics if you are on the side of the oppressed

But when the oppressed associate sport and politics, it is over! The Urkullu himself has also provided some information (I hope he has asked them for permission because he has put them at the centre of the spotlights). Urkullu, of course, never tells us of dozens of remers we have or have had family and friends tortured, kidnapped and dispersed. Remers condemned to travel thousands of kilometres in the first fifteen years of life, including road accidents. Those who read torture testimonies full of family suffering. Remers with relatives killed by the Spanish State, and a long time and so on.

In every stroke I have given, I have had the Basque political prisoners in their hearts, and naturally, in the happy moments I have had, I have had them. I therefore make the randons by winning Tabero the prestigious Concha flag. Iurgi, Sanse, Gaztelu and everyone else now home!

In conclusion, let Urkullu know, that the only path we nationalists have to make is the path of freedom for the people.

Unai Villacorta