This year’s edition should be the seventh, but at the end of last year the organization announced that due to its health (H)ilbeltz it would not exist. However, in a video published in the Official Gazette of Gipuzkoa it was explained that the rest of the year will try to blacken and do alternative “something”. Esan eta egin, “Hil (ala) beltz” is the motto of this year that has opened the meeting point of the black novel in Basque.
The opening of the first tribute has already been announced. On February 25 at 18:00, at the Arizkunenea Culture House of Elizondo, they will talk to writer Miren Gorrotxategi about the book Sotoan gorddeak. All acts shall be present to ensure the security measures to be carried out in the area. Gorrotxategi has participated in the III Bertsolaris Championship. He won the scholarship (H)ilbeltza with the novel Sotoan gorddeak (Txalaparta, 2020).
They have also prepared a programme of activities for the coming months. On March 26, Gorka Arrese will offer a talk on the work of writer Hasier Etxeberria entitled “Successes of Damian Arruti”. Damian Arruti is the protagonist of the novels of Etxeberria Eulien Bazka (Susa, 2003) and Mutuen Hitzak (Susa, 2005). On April 23, the translator Amaia Apalauza will talk about the book Úsar goldea hilen hezurrak (Elkar, 2020) of the Nobel Prize Olga Tokarzcuk.
A “Black Lap” will be held in late May and early June to ensure capacity for two weekends, following the tradition of previous years. A round table, presentations of a couple of black novels published in the last year and a colloquium on the history of black cinema are planned for the coming months.