The Basque Currency distributes nearly 70,000 Basques among 44 associations sponsored by users
  • In Biarritz, Basque Societies Day is celebrated on Saturday. A total of EUR 69,672 has been distributed among the associations supporting the local currency. AEK has been the largest association since last year with 2,531 Basques.
Mattin Azpiroz Pagola 2023ko urriaren 18a
Eusko Elkarteen Eguna // Argazkia: Euskal Moneta

On Saturday, 14 October, Basque Societies Day is celebrated at the Surfrider Foundation in Biarritz. Work has been done on the means of financing partnerships, combining various theoretical and practical contributions. The quote was intended for those responsible for associations, whether or not they are members of the local currency. They beat all brands and record: He has donated 69,672 euros to 44 associations protected by users of the local currency.

Since 2013, more than 315,000 Basques have been given to 70 associations working in different fields. AEK has received 2,531 Basques, becoming the association with the highest growth (863 more than last year). On the other hand, the new PAF associations (for a Feminist Alternative) and Alda have also had benefits.

The president of Euskal Moneta, Xebax Christy, has stated that “solidarity” is one of the “core values” of the local currency of the continental Basque Country: “This project has the advantage that it is beneficial to everyone. It is complementary funding for associations that encourages people to use Euskera. Thus, when selecting and protecting an association, one also bets on the general interest of the territory.”