Lazkao hosts the 38th edition of the Basque book fair
  • Organized by the cultural association Gerriko, the lazkaotarras have a date with the annual fair on 16.17 and 18 December. On the weekend there will be musical performances, workshops and heads.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko abenduaren 14a
Lazkaoko liburu eta disko azokaren 38. edizioa egingo dute. /Argazkia: Goierri telebista

Although the fair will officially start on Friday, some books have already begun to be presented. On Wednesday Lurdes Ulazia and Ana Santiago Txokomates. At 19:30 in the Gerriko bookstore, the book "Laboratory mate taste chocolate" will be explained.

The Gerriko bookstore will take the books and records off the fronton of Lazkao Square. On Friday at 16:30 the fair will begin, in which the people will also be in charge of the atmosphere: on Friday the Lazkao Music Band will offer a Christmas concert at 19:00 and on Saturday at noon the heads will come out.

People approaching the market on Sunday will find the task: From 12:30 a.m. the Artistic Creativity students of the Maider Urretabizkaia school will offer a workshop and an exhibition.

The work put on the market will have a 15% discount thanks to the contribution of the City of Lazkao.