LGTBI+ Basque Observatory calls for a comprehensive law in the CAPV
  • It proposes to the Basque Parliament and the LGBTI+ of the CAV that a joint bureau be set up to draft the law. The objective is that the rights of the people of the collective have a “cover” and are protected from discrimination, among others.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko ekainaren 27a
Ekainaren 27an aurkeztu dute lege integrala egiteko proposamena. / Argazkia: @barrenetxea

On the eve of Pride Day, the Basque Observatory LGTBI+ has presented its proposal for a comprehensive law. They call on the Basque Parliament to draw up a law to protect the rights of people of the LGTBI+ group and to exclude LGTB phobia for Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. They recall that in the Spanish State together with Ceuta and Melilla it is the only Autonomous Community that lacks this law or preliminary draft (text agreed in Navarra in 2017).

One of the aims of the law is to prevent discrimination against LGBTI+ people and to ensure that the human rights of people in the collective are “covered”. To this end, they propose that a joint bureau be set up, both by the parliamentary groups and by LGTBI+ from the CWC, for a text to be drawn up between them from September onwards. The Centre has submitted concrete proposals for the draft law, which have been published on the website. Among other things, they stress that the law must include the prevention of the exclusion of people from the collective and warn that hate speech and crimes have increased in recent times.