The turistification of the Basque coast under examination
  • Radio Villa de Bilbao, El Salto Radio, Hordago and Argia collaborating in the global analysis of the work.
El Salto-Hordago @HORDAGO_ElSalto 2023ko ekainaren 15

In today’s programme we have analysed the results of the 28 May elections on the Basque coast. Changes have been made in favour of popular left-wing forces and platforms in localities such as Sopelana, Plentzia, Gorliz, Bermeo, Mundaka, Gernika, Lekeitio, Pasaia and Hondarribia. We will also analyze the impact of coastal tourism in recent years on the results.

We interviewed the new mayor of Plentzia, Aitor Garagarza, and the political analyst. We then talked to Eider Gotxi, spokesman for SOS Gaztelugatxe and Guggenheim Urdaibai EZ, about the tourist process of Busturialdea and the municipal results of the area.

Finally, Irati Labaien, a collaborator of ARGIA, will share with us her reflection on the capitalist construction of holidays and leisure.

Furthermore, as always, Inés Agirreazkuenaga has presented us with the union agenda to start the session. We have held the 100th edition of Labor Economy and we return to the usual pace, as every year, until the week of San Fermin.