Young girls* from Euskal Herria join the general strike
  • Young girls* from Euskal Herria have joined the general strike called by the Charter of Social Rights. The young people have denounced the ongoing process of precarization and have joined the call made by the feminist movement of Euskal Herria on January 18. @topatu_eus 2020ko urtarrilaren 07a

The Charter of Social Rights of Hego Euskal Herria has called a general strike for the next 30 January. Having identified the need for the pensioners’ movement to make a leap in the fight, the movements have decided to join in demanding work, pensions and a dignified life.

The call for the Charter of Social Rights was announced at the end of October. Since then, various mobilizations and initiatives have been carried out, strike committees have been set up in neighbourhoods and villages, and different actors and sectors have joined the proposal. Among them, young people and students. Several members of the student and youth movements appeared at the end of December in Vitoria-Gasteiz to make known their own reasons and demands for the strike.
Young girls* from Euskal Herria have joined the general strike. As explained in the widespread reading, "in this system at the service of capital, young people live a process of brutal precarization, which is even harder in those who suffer heteropatriarchal oppression".
As they demonstrated on 8 March or working on other projects, the girls* are dedicated to "teaching teeth to the precariousness that was the new attack of neoliberalism and to fighting for a decent life project". They stressed the importance of joining forces and responding collectively to the needs of citizens.
In order to "influence themselves", they have called the girls* to participate in the strike committees. "It is up to us to impregnate them with feminism and put youth demands on the table," he added. Both have joined the call made by the feminist movement on January 18. Finally, and in order for the strike to be feminist, they have agreed that care collectivization is essential.