Euskal Herria Music Schools Festival will bring together 2,400 students in Dulantzi
  • The festival of the 47 music schools of Euskal Herria will be held on May 18, organized by the Xabin Salaberri Music School, which celebrates its 25th anniversary.
Arabako Alea @ArabakoALEA 2019ko maiatzaren 08a
Bi urtean behin egiten dute jaia (argazkia: Alea).

Musikaldia is a biannual festival organized by the Association of Music Schools of the Basque Country (EHME), a meeting between the students and the teachers that compose it. This year, the Xabin Salaberri Music School of Dulantzi will be in charge of organizing the festival, as it is 25 years since the start of the school and different activities are being organized to celebrate the event.

On 18 May, Musikaldia will be held, where 2,400 schoolchildren from 46 schools in Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa will meet in Dulantzi to show society their work in schools. It is not the first time the festival is held in Álava, but it is the first time it is held in a rural environment. The festival, which is supported by the Basque Government, the Diputación de Álava and the City Hall of Dulantzi, will be held in seven scenarios and streets of the Vizcaina town.

The day will begin at 10:00 hours with the inaugural event organized in the Herriko Plaza. Marvels Díaz, Ph.D. in Philosophy and Education Sciences at UPV/EHU and Professor of Didactics of Musical Expression, will be named honorary partner of EHME 2019.At 10:30 hours will present the song of Musikaldi abian da Festa, and then the concerts will start at 11:00 in the following stages: Auditorium, Church, Plaza, March 8, Parque de Solandia y Toro. Pasacalles will also be held along the streets of the town.

This news was published by Arabako Aleak and we brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-by-sa license.