On 8 May, Sare will call for a change in prison policy in the 650 mountains of the Basque Country
  • The dynamic 'Izan Bidea', launched by the Sare citizen network, has organized a "unitary" mountain climb for this day. They will be raising the 650 cimas of the Basque Country, with the aim of "changing the penitentiary policy of exception".
ARGIA @argia 2021eko apirilaren 15

According to Sare, more than 400 mountain climbs have already been organised "with family and friends" in the Biscayan municipalities. Thus, according to his calculations, on 8 May a joint action will be carried out in the 650 peaks of all the territories of the Basque Country: About 125 in Álava, 130 in Bizkaia, 120 in Gipuzkoa, 220 in Navarra and about 60 in the Northern Basque Country.

The project is part of the dynamic Izan Bidea, which last year launched "a process of return home of prisoners and exiles to walk towards coexistence and peace". The climb to the giant mountain was originally scheduled for 3 October, but due to bad weather it was decided to delay it until 8 May.

Because of the proximity of the day, they recalled the objectives of the project: "In it we will demand aloud what we want," says Sare in a note disseminated to the media: to build peace, to resolve the origin of the conflict and its consequences. The resolution of the consequences of the conflict consists in the repair of pain, accepting its knowledge, even if they come from wherever they come from. But to resolve the consequences of the conflict is to activate legal instruments that offer a different perspective beyond prison, using those that already exist or adapting those that need to be adapted. The road to peace must go through the resolution of the issue of prisoners."

To register for the elevations, they have launched the website that has geo-localized each of the summits. And the images will spread on social media through the hashtag #650tontor.