60 game areas and aqueducts of Euskal Herria,
  • They have revamped the portal that was launched four years ago and have expanded the options to access it. Over the years, people have proposed 60 playgrounds, amusement parks and aquatic spaces and the idea is to continue to feed the web and encourage debate “because we like free and spontaneous play”.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2021eko ekainaren 08a

The portal has been adapted to consult from mobile phones, has a link to propose spaces of its own and have created a blog section, “a space to reflect on the relationship between play and space”.

Recreation areas, amusement parks, water areas and wet areas

On the one hand, the portal collects the play areas (play areas) that may be appropriate for the game in Euskal Herria. On the other hand, it also includes the recreational parks created expressly, “among the amusement parks that have been built for the game there are also those that are built with natural materials outside the traditional repetitive patterns, easy to mold, realized through participatory processes or composed of original elements that promote the motricity, creativity and sense of the adventure of the child and that are included in this section”. Water zones or recreational areas with water are also proposed as a highlight, and a new section is created: wetlands, from the lagoons that have been set up by many educational communities.

“We love the free and spontaneous game, we enjoy playing in nature and that’s why we want to value the spaces that promote it,” say the free time associations Txatxilipurdi de Arrasate, the resource services Olgeta and Goiena Komunikazio Taldea.