The Euskal Herrian Euskaraz group has denounced the violation of linguistic rights and the "aggression" of a teacher along with a group of elementary and high school teachers and a dozen citizens.
The events occurred a year ago, on 9, 16 and 23 October 2019, at the Matiena Institute. Three training sessions were held in Spanish for the profesorado.Al beginning of the first training day, the protests of some teachers were forceful, as although in model D it was argued that it was up to them to do the training in Basque, the session continued in Spanish.
The second session was held on 16 October 2019. One of the teachers did not go to the training session knowing that it was going to be in castellano.Tras this date, the professor concerned was informed that an agile dossier was to be opened that would result in the suspension of the two-hour salary. Knowing this, the professor reported the facts at the Observatory on Linguistic Rights sticos.Una week later, on 23 October, the third Spanish-language training session was held in which the sanctioned professor did not attend it. As a result of the opening of the disciplinary proceedings, the salary for four hours has been deducted.
EHE wishes to denounce the denial of the right to receive Basque education in model D: "The teaching centers of model D should be spaces in which, besides learning Euskera, one can also live in Euskera, both for students and workers". They claim the right of workers: "Right to have in Basque the teaching and professional activity in all areas. It is serious that in the twenty-first century we are still like this, in Abadiño."They have accused the Department of Education not of assuming responsibility for respecting linguistic rights, but of punishing the professor who has relinquished his responsibility and denounced the situation.
Several groups and students have shown their adherence to the text in a note published by the Euskal Herrian Euskaraz group, in which Ikamak del Duranguesado, AEK and Ernai participated, among others.