The Basque Country achieves the official position for the World Sheep Dealer
  • The Mozatile sheep of Euskal Herria have obtained the official status of participating in international competitions and aspire to participate in the 2026 World Championship. Before, in 2025, they wanted to make the Basque Country Championship.
Manex Usarralde Garmendia 2024ko abuztuaren 26a
Euskal Ardi Moztaileen Elkartea Uharte Arakilgo Artzai Egunean.

The world council for the classification of wool and sheepmeat has given the official status to Euskal Herria for the international championships. The news was released at the Artzain Eguna held on Sunday in Uharte Arakil, but the decision was actually taken at the championship held in Edinburgh in 2023. The World Council decided to formalize a presentation by Joseba Attard, president of the Association of Basque Sheep Breeders (EAME), in which he stressed “the extraordinary cultural importance of grazing and shearing sheep in the Basque Country and its role in safeguarding their traditions and protecting the primary sector”.

The fifteen participating nations, including France and Spain, accepted the request of Euskal Herria to participate in international competitions. The Basque Country is now entering a prestigious league of nations that competes in internationally recognised events.

The next championship will be in 2026

The Golden Shear World Council World Wool Cutting and Processing Organization organizes international championships every three years with the aim of “promoting sheep cutting and wool management”. The next event will take place in March 2026 in Masterton, New Zealand. Meanwhile, the Basque Sheep Shear Association seeks support and help to form an Euskal Selekzioa. The team shall consist of two machine cutters, two scissors, two wool managers, one judge, one coach and one team leader.

“Sheepskin haircuts are essential for animal welfare. Trained professionals cut wool as efficiently and as quickly as possible. The short competition is spectacular, and each trimmer in a final, for example, in less than fifteen minutes that cuts 20 sheep,” they noted in the presentation made in Uharte Araklie. The following countries are active in the World Council: New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, France, Spain, United States, Germany, Norway and Austria. In the usual, New Zealand has been the great dominator of the championship, but in the last two editions it has imposed on the Welsh dealers.

In May 2024, the Association of Sheepsheds of Basque Sheep was created and in 2025 attempts are being made to organise the Basque Country Championship before the World Championship. To this end, they seek partners, sponsors and an organizing committee.