Hendaia becomes the capital of the Mintzalagun groups throughout the Basque Country on June 5
  • After two years impossible to celebrate, Euskaltzaleen Topagunea organized the annual Mintzalagunak festival of Euskal Herria on 5 June in Hendaia. It is 30 years since the creation of the “mintzalagun groups”. And the dynamic has only been accelerated, today they are spread throughout the Basque Country. According to the latest data, over 6,000 people meet each week in the prefix. And to the extent that the pandemic has jeopardized these meeting spaces, another 1,000 people use the Internet to practice Basque through telematic meetings that have become an effective alternative.
Antxeta Irratia 2022ko maiatzaren 16a

To finish the course they have prepared an all-day program in Hendaia. Under the motto 'Who hasn't tried it doesn't know what this is,' this year's Mintza Eguna wants to bring together mintzalagunak groups from all over Euskal Herria, and Maite Agirre, coordinator of the Mintza Internship Commission, explained that they have prepared in collaboration with the Basque Mintzaian association of Hendaia. Guided tours by Hendaia, acting by bertsos, children's corner, popular food, membrane games and pilgrimage with concert of 'Imuntzo eta Beloki'.

This year's Mintza Eguna, on the proposal of Euskaltzaleen Topagunea and the Federation of the Basque Deaf, will provide resources for the participation of deaf and hearing impaired people

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