Organized the top basket league of Euskal Herria, the competitions of Iparralde and Hegoalde are unified
  • The competitions of Gernika, Donibane Lohizune, Biarritz and Pau will join by creating the Jai Alai League.
Irati Irazusta Jauregi 2023ko otsailaren 02a
Lau frontoietako ordezkariak, Jai Alai Leaguearen aurkezpenean (Argazkia:

Under the title "Jai Alai Leaguea", the first final basket competition covering the entire Basque country has been organised. This league will join the Gernika Winter Series, San Juan de Luz International Tournament, Biarritz Gold Xistera and Pau Cup. You will have an annual calendar with a joint score and ranking, according to Naiz. In addition to the four championships, the top players in the ranking will play the final stage of the Jai Alai League at the end of the year in Hego Euskal Herria.

The pointers have competed in two different sports systems that until now separated the two sides of the Bidasoa, although the athletes were the same. In 2021, the Summer League was created in the fronts of San Juan de Luz, Biarritz and Pau, forming a unique circuit between the three, and from the 2023 season the Winter Series League of Gernika will be added. The latter is currently playing and is already scoring for the Jai Alai League.

The four fronton representatives presented the agreement on Winter Series semi-finals: Gaizka Muniategi and Zigor Etxeberria (Joan Jai Alai), Frederic Cader and Michel Billac (Donibane Lohizune), Lilou Echeverria (Biarritz) and Jean Marc Olharan. According to the organizers, "a historic step" is the creation of a unified league.