States have decreed a ban on being on the street during the night throughout the Basque Country
  • The night curfew was established in Iparralde on Friday and the Assembly of France has decided to extend the state of emergency until 26 February. The state of alarm decreed by the Government of Spain in Hego Euskal Herria has established two prohibitions: Both in public and private spaces, and both outdoors and indoors, the maximum will be six people. In the evening, you will not be able to go out into the street between 23:00 and 6:00 hours. The Autonomous Communities of Navarre and the CAV will be able to transfer the hours of this evening curfew one more hour, i.e. they will advance the arrival time (22:00 hours) or they will be able to delay it (07:00 hours).
ARGIA @argia 2020ko urriaren 26a
Urriaren 25eko Espainiako Ministroen Kontseilua, alarma egoera ezartzen. Argazkia: Espainiako Gobernua.

The Autonomous Communities of Navarre and the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country will decide whether or not to close access to their territory.

In fact, in the current state of alarm, the Department of Health will not have the highest command: the powers in the field of health will be the responsibility of the autonomous communities and the chairmen of them will be the ones with the highest authority. The Interterritorial Council of the National Health System will meet weekly with the Health Advisors of the Government and the Autonomous Communities, and this body will be a space for cooperation and co-governance.

The state of alarm in Hego Euskal Herria can last up to six months

The Government of Spain has declared a state of social alarm on 25 October and has entered into force on the afternoon of the same day. For the time being, the Government's limit has been set at fifteen days to unilaterally decree this measure, but the intention of the Sanchez group is to declare the state of alarm until 9 May, that is, six months. That will have to be approved by the Congress of Deputies at this week’s plenary session.

State of emergency in Iparralde until February 16

The Assembly of France decided on the afternoon of 24 October to extend the state of emergency until 26 February. The night curfew has been activated this weekend in Iparralde, as in the other 38 departments of the French State. From 21:00 to 6:00 you can't be in the street.