Game Jam Vasco: 48 hours to create video games in Basque
  • Euskal Game Jam's goal is to bring together for two days the creators of Euskaldunberris and professionals, "to showcase their skills and create relationships," as explained by the organizing agents Zomorro Studio, Game Erauntsia and the UPV. From 17 to 19 November, within 48 hours, participants must create their video games in Basque, in person – in the Bizkaia Aretoa of the UPV in Bilbao – or online.
Jon Torner Zabala @jtorner 2023ko azaroaren 03a
Bartzelonan egindako Game Jam bat / Argazkia:

The first edition of the initiative will begin on 17 November at 18:00. It is then that the participants, in groups or individually, begin the creative process. 48 hours later, on day 19, they will publish the completed projects on the platform

Registration is already underway and is open to all people over 18, free of charge. There is the possibility of developing video games individually or collectively. Groups of up to five members will be admitted, being able to search for the group components in the registration form or in the Euskal Game Jam chat of the Game Erauntsia Discord server. On the registration page you will find all the requirements and more information about the initiative.

Conversation space

Before starting the Game Jam project, the organization will offer a conference. On the one hand, Ibai Aizpurua, of the game developer team Zomorro Studio, will present its first edition and reflect on its trajectory in the rest of Game Jam. It will also offer recommendations to creators for the first time to take part in a similar challenge. On the other hand, Edurne Larraza, professor of the Department of Architecture and Computer Technology of the Faculty of Informatics of the UPV/EHU, will work with video consoles focusing on the control of a computer's input/output subsystem.