Basque fedibertso meetings: a summary (o)
  • On Saturday, in Orereta, around the fedibertso, we met a good group of people to celebrate the day “Fedibertso Vasco”. With the intention of knowing ourselves, of making the fediverse visible and thinking about possible futures and also of having fun. The conference began at 09:30 and after organizing the conference space, David ( briefly presented the conference and Goaitz ( explained what Badalab consists of.
Dabid Martinez 2023ko maiatzaren 23a
Argazki guztiak: The Badass Project


The first round of conferences was for Rita ( and Marcel ( Members of the Fedicat and Anartist groups. Once “FEDIVERS: After the presentation of the “15 anys de mitjans socials federats” or fediflyer, we were given a review of the 15 years of the fedibertso.

After the first intervention we took a break for lunch and to get to know each other.

Then, Asier ( and Axi (, members of Argia (, explained how they entered the fediverse: why they bet on the fediverse as as a group and what are the contradictions found along the way. I think we have to thank them for being so transparent that they will help other people to immerse themselves in the ugly. In addition, they managed to generate a good debate and almost everyone we heard participated. In this debate, Fedicat's friends made a very interesting proposal to remove the visibility of partner advertising networks within our projects. The proposal is ‘Resistance to the ‘Agression Publicitarie’ (Résistance à l’Agression Publicitaire s’infiltre dans les réseaux ‘sociaux’), but many of us did not know it and the truth is that it was one of the strongest ideas of the day. Jox ( sums up very well in her blog (Private social networks vs Fedibertso). Three basic and simple rules. ).

Then, it was time to eat and although many of the attendees had to leave the day in the morning, we still had many fedibertsolaris to start the afternoon session.

Mikel ( summed up exactly what Abaraska ( is: what we do and present the services we currently have. Once this little talk was over, he proposed a game that allowed us to understand in a practical way what the federation is and how it works. The day ended with a collective reflection on the future of the fediverse. Many ideas emerged that we will have to organize and carry out.

Some have asked for such a day to be organised each year. I personally share this idea.