On 19 September the majority of the European Parliament voted in favour of: "That all restrictions on the use of arms systems granted to Ukraine should be lifted immediately on Russian territory," he added. In common terms: "Launch missiles long across Russia." This Parliament is not who to give that mandate to Ukraine, the United States, Great Britain or France. But because of the US elections he does not dare to give the order of Biden, he has sent his European servants to say what he should say. Sooner or later, it might be thought that long-range missiles will be launched from Ukraine to Russia. So what?
Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has already announced that from then on he will enter a new phase of the war. As soon as one of the first missiles reaches Russia, the missile owners, manufacturers and all those involved in the launch will automatically become enemies for Russia. Therefore, the United States, Great Britain and France, at least, will become their enemies and become targets to receive strikes of the same measure. For the Russians, they will also become targets depending on the involvement of the other states of the European Union in the future.
The majority of MEPs, joining the European economic elites, voted in favour of extending to Europe the war that has so far been confined to the Ukrainian lands.
There is no doubt that "the West" wants to extend war to Europe. They have been urging Russia all year round to give a tough response and then to wage a war against it. The "Western" economic elites do not want to lose the war in Ukraine and are realizing that they are being lost. They want to do something big to change the current evolution of war. They are prepared for everything and the two sides that are against have nuclear bombs.
The Ukrainians have invaded Russia, they have thrown bombs at the nuclear power stations in Zaporizhia and Kursk, they have sent bombs three times against the antinuclear radars in Russia … knowing that each of these actions is a sufficient reason to receive a nuclear response.
Following the European economic elites, the majority of MEPs voted in favour of extending to Europe the war that has so far been limited to the Ukrainian lands. In favour of this very serious decision, 425 votes in favour, 131 against and 63 abstained. What did the MEPs who took part in the vote on their departure from Euskal Herria? :
Agirregoitia, Oihane (PNV) BAI
Barrena, Pernando (EH Bildu) EZ
López, Antonio
(pp) BAI Mendia, Idoia
(PSE-PSOE) BAI Sancho, Elena
(PSN-PSOE) BAI Zarzos,
Based on those votes, it seems that in Euskal Herria we love war and we want to take it to the door of our house. Most of our politicians do not defend our interests. And for the Basques, the passivity and silence of today's society are not good friends at all.
Joan Mari Beloki Kortexarena