They say that the Spanish Constitution is “a conduit for realizing the will of our people”, “what do we gain within a state that makes decisions contrary to our interests? The debate is not monarchy or republic, it is monarchy or republics,” added General Secretary of the party, Arnaldo Otegi.
Among others, Mr Oihana Etxebarrieta also spoke: After hearing the ruling of the group violation of the Sanfermines, he has criticized the Spanish patriarchal justice and has affirmed that new ways of doing politics are needed to “build the feminist republic of Euskal Herria, according to, of mutual support”.
“It is not possible to democratize the Spanish State”
The Independentistak network has also joined the demonstration. In the memory of Catalonia, “it has been clearly seen how Spanish ultranationalism has reacted – they say – it is impossible to democratize the Spanish State, and within its structures Euskal Herria has no option of sovereignty”.
On Wednesday, the General Boards of Gipuzkoa approved the illegality of the Spanish Constitution, with the votes in favour of the PNV and EH Bildu. At the Bilbao demonstration, Pablo Gorostiaga said that 40 years ago Basque society said "no" to the Constitution: “They have not been able to speak on our behalf. They have not been able to say that the Basque People approved the Constitution.”