The work of the Basque filmmakers is first recorded in a book
  • The Basque Film Library has presented its book The Basque Women Filmmakers, the first book that includes several essays on key women in film.
Leire Rodriguez Garmendia @leirero_22 2023ko otsailaren 02a
Joxean Fernandez, Maria Pilar Rodriguez, Isabel Herguera, Izaskun Arandia eta Bingen Zupiria, liburuaren aurkezpenean. (Argazkia: Euskadiko Filmoteka).

Its objective is to make the Basque film known from works performed by female directors in different genres and formats. It also offers an academic and informative exploration of these artistic projects.

Maria Pilar Rodríguez, professor at the University of Deusto, has managed the work. The professor stressed that the film production of women Basque directives "has not had a strong presence in the cinematographic landscape". Likewise, "the rise of films made by women has enriched cinematography with an essential look to understand our society in its crisis and has provided them with references that have allowed the identification of female spectators", adds Rodríguez.

Joxean Fernandez, director of the Filmoteca, stated that "in the history of Basque cinema there are few studies carried out from the perspective of Basque women filmmakers". "In this work, more than microscopic, seen from the telescope, it was intended to alleviate to some extent the deficiencies that existed until then; in short, because it serves to emphasize the trends, to lament the deficiencies and, above all, to test and celebrate the talents," explains the director.

The publication consists of four main parts. The first, Global Vision, addresses from multiple perspectives the film production of women Basque directors. The second, Genres, formats and adaptations, analyzes the view of Basque documentist women, as well as the cinematographic adaptations of literary works. The third, Production, distribution and reception, focuses on film promotion and visibility efforts by associations and festivals. The fourth, Three filmmakers, focuses on three outstanding Basque film figures: Ana Díez, Helena Taberna and Yannick Bellon.

The cover of the book has been illustrated by filmmaker Isabel Herguera.