For the time being, the proclamation of the Catalan Republic is merely symbolic and we are at a stage of the process. The legal and political conflict is open and the outcome is yet to be seen.
It has become clear that one of the keys is for independence agents to maintain a common strategy, while, paradoxically, the fact that they are different and autonomous is also another key.
On the one hand, the plurality of independence has made it possible to reach many areas of the complex Catalan society; on the other, rivalry (which is detrimental to the common strategy) has hindered the action of its political opponent, the Spanish State and Spanish nationalism.
The State and its collaborators, such as Iñigo Urkullu, have been searching for and have been for the fissure of the independence groups, but the four agents who have participated in the protest cannot reverse. Independence agents know that if one of the four retires, the social base is going to make you pay for the cute. Thus, it has prevented the Spanish State from having "independent agents" and "sovereigns" within the independence movement.
In the Basque country
In our case, it is clear that the political actors do not complete the picture we have in Catalonia. Here, despite having an important component that they do not have in Catalonia, (the majority of trade unions) the main actors do not stand in active independence and are far from the beginning of an independent process.
If one reads the press a year ago, in the hearings before the referendum in Catalonia, some agents claimed unilaterality to undertake the "Via Vasca". Today, however, they seem to have been intimidated. In fact, it seems that the latest calls for the matching of watches in Catalonia and Euskal Herria have been made to stay in Catalonia.
The main spokesmen for leftist independence, in the face of the fear of frustration that a failure can generate, have sought the coincidence of EAJ-PNV’s journey, convinced that in the face of the new needs and risks of this party, the common interests can unite us
Some explanations have also been worrying, advising that the Spanish State make proposals to seduce (seduce) the Basque citizenship and the Catalans, for the occasion. I would say that they are too close to 'seduce Spain', to Iosu Ion Imaz, or to say that there is a chance that we will be seduced. The proposals to be "at ease" in the Spanish state frighten me and in this context much more, because instead of coinciding with the leap in Catalonia, it can coincide with those that want to go backwards in Catalonia.
According to the experts, "preventive failure" is imposed in exhausted societies and I believe that "preventive failure is the most important thing in people who should assume the responsibility of dynamizing independence.
The main spokesmen for leftist independence, in the face of the fear of frustration that a failure can generate, have sought the coincidence of EAJ-PNV’s journey, in the conviction that common interests can unite us with the new needs and risks of this party.
However, agreeing a strategic agreement with a party able to vote on pp budgets the same week, investigating Pedro Sánchez as president and signing with EH Bildu the principle of a possible political status is very dangerous. Without any consequence, trying to make a sovereign leap with a party capable of dozens of times of eating the given word is not viable.
It is true that in view of the involution that is taking place in the Spanish State and in Europe, the PNV is afraid. They are afraid of losing the benefits of the Gernika State, but the Spanish State knows how it has to behave with Basque citizenship. They tried with Greater Oreja to do that "for them" and they know that that's not worth it. There may be involution, but in case this occurs, after many gestures, at the end of the day the PNV will go in search of supports.
The limits of the change of status for the three Western countries are narrow. As soon as we feel the need, the PNV will agree with PSOE and Podemos another way. For the PNV it is much more convenient to leave the far-right aside and leave the Sovereign Left on the other side, signing an agreement with the other agents to stay in Spain comfortable and prosperous.
This scenario is possible and deadly for the independence left. In this scenario, the independence left in Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa should stand against what the PNV has signed with Podemos and the PSOE to claim a new status of autonomy, the expectation. The PNV would have little movement and independence would be disabled. In fact, several agents have already agreed on the need to end the independence activity in the Basque Country.
Need for independence actions.
As in Catalonia, Euskal Herria also needs agents who claim and practice the rupture with the States and the socioeconomic model. Without them, transformative dynamics will not be created in the coming long years and without them our society will be a society exhausted, drowned in preventative failure.
In the current context, these agents cannot be placed in the context of electoral assistance. This framework will be set up for a few years as it is today and the ups and downs cannot be very large, because this script does not propose structural changes.
The leadership of EH B has taken a strategic decision in this area and the consequences of this decision will hamper the development of active independence. If we were to place competition within the framework of the parties to the elections, the result would be a division, absolutely sterile at the moment.
As in Catalonia, Euskal Herria also needs agents who claim and practice the rupture with the States and the socioeconomic model. Without them, transformative dynamics will not be created in the coming long years and without them our society will be exhausted, drowned in preventative failure
The only way to achieve a balanced bilaterality with the Spanish and French States is to create a sovereign republic. Therefore, strategies based on bilaterality now lead us to a wall; we do not have enough strength to bring the strategy of unilaterality to the final end. To get out of this maze, independence has to create new paths and new political subjects. We only have to start with unilateralism, but in order to understand historical development and political transformation we have to use new resources and paradigms.
Like our friends in the Mediterranean, we also need radical referents. Transformative dynamics can only be generated if some political subjects and people start the rupture process from minute 0.
The conditions for forming our ANC are not given, among other things, because the right here is autonomous and the "pan-nationalist" structures are limited to autonomism; but there is a possibility and a need to create some "Basque CUP" outside the electoral competition, compatible with other militancies and that help to dance and play more interesting melodies and melodies.