Awarded the Euskadi Literature Awards in Muxikebarri de Getxo
  • In the category of Euskera, the winners were: Arantxa Urretabizkaia, Patxi Zubizarreta, Miren Billelabeitia, Maialen Berasategi, Joxe Mari Berasategi and Joseba Larratxek.
Mattin Azpiroz Pagola 2023ko azaroaren 16a
Euskadi Literatura Sari banaketa, Getxon. // Argazkia: IREKIA

The work Azken Etxea by Arantxa Urretabizkaia has been in charge of bringing the Literature in Euskera award, highlighting in the children and youth literature Zerria, by Patxi Zubizarreta, and among the essays have awarded Auto-maite by Miren Billelabeitia. Maialen and Joxe Mari Berasstrategy Paradisua are among the literary translations in Basque.

The Literary Work Illustration Award was for Joseba Larrache, ARGIA collaborator, for the comic book Mikel Laboa.

Among the works in Spanish, the Literary Prize has been for Alejandro Morellón for his book The worst possible scenario, while Return to Elkano by Ander Izagirre has stood out in the field of the essay.

In Muxikebarri, at the Center of Arts, Culture and Diners of Getxo, the Euskadi Prize for Literature of 2023 was awarded. Led by Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, the Minister for Culture and Linguistic Policy and the Basque Government spokeswoman, Bingen Zupiria, the Vice-Minister for Culture, Andoni Iturbe, and the Director for Cultural Promotion, Aitziber Atorrasagasti have been present.

In the event, in addition to listening to the words of the winners, they have read fragments of their works along with the live music of Amorante. Urkullu stressed that the Awards offer “the possibility of claiming the need, importance and pleasure of literature”. He has also expressed “gratitude” to all writers and editors.