An extreme right man threatens to burn the premises of the Euskadi-Cuba association
  • The NGO denounces that this is the second time that the same man is opposed to them. This time he tells them that he will burn the premises and that they are "dirty communists" and "marichitos."
Maddi Viana Zubimendi @maddi76_ 2022ko uztailaren 28a
2020ko urrian Euskadi-Kuba elkarteak deitutako elkarretaratzea. Argazkia: Joseba Mirena, @CasviFactory Twitterren.

The venue of the Euskadi-Cuba Association is located on Prim Street in Bilbao. El Salto reports that the man approached on June 26, coinciding with the celebration of the day of the Cuban National Rebellion. This is the second time that this man has threatened them. On this occasion he threatened two people who were at the site of the association: “I stay the place, one day I stay all this, you are dirty communists and maritxu.”

The Association has assured that man is known for belonging to the extreme right organization Patria y Vida and that it was the organization itself that gave rise to the clashes on July 15 last year, when a group of people concentrated under the motto "Unblock Cuba (unblock Cuba), Arriba Revolución". The current attacker approached another man and attacked one of the activists.

Systematic and coordinated attacks

The Euskadi-Cuba association has denounced with other associations (Sierra Maestra - Euskadi, Desembarco del Granma and ACESMA) that are undergoing “systematic and coordinated” attacks in the judicial, economic, political and media fields.