Askapena organizes a conference in Pamplona to "generate and answer questions" about Europe
  • On 15 and 16 November, the internationalist organization organized numerous conferences with international guests. The programme will deal with the conflicts that exist around the current Europe and the European Union.
Igor Galarza Intxausti @IgorGalarza 2019ko azaroaren 12a
Nazioarteko jardunaldien aurkezpeneko irudia. (Argazkia: Askapena)

Askapena will organize the international conferences in the Katakrak of Pamplona/Iruña. A comprehensive programme to address "the neo-liberal offensive of the European Union and the Troika" has been prepared for 15 and 16 November. Prior registration has been requested to attend the conferences and meals to be held on Saturday. It can be done on the web of the days. IRAITZ GESALAGA, member of Askapena, spoke with ARGIA about the days:

The days revolve around the construction of a new Europe, but how do we approach them?

It is not easy, we have a lot to learn, to reflect and to debate. We are talking about the transformation of a political, economic and military structure that from its origin serves the imperialist interests of the economic and political elites. Precisely one of the objectives of the conference is to generate questions and, as far as possible, to propose answers among all. We need to continue to deepen the alliances between the movements that we live on the continent, knowing each other, sharing diagnoses and establishing alliances. We want to provide a space for debate.

The evils of Europe. How do you want to work?

The rise of fascism that already crosses the continent and the theme of migration will have a place in the days, since we consider it essential to analyze these processes to begin to propose an integral alternative. On the other hand, we will have the opportunity to know what the limits, possibilities and risks of the EU are, the need to build an alternative to the European Union for the sovereignty of peoples.

Europe, xenophobia and fascism. All three words often appear at the same time.

The present phase of capitalism is about to die. Financial crises are becoming more and more frequent and the world tends to polarize. This, the proletarianization and uncertainty of the middle class give way to fascism, to exclusionary identity policies, to protectionist measures that seek to revitalize the capitalist bourgeoisie and to violent and xenophobic migratory policies. Mutual support networks, organisation and the anti-fascist struggle are our only formulas for organizing our legitimate self-defence.

You will also look beyond Europe.

On the one hand, we find it very interesting to learn about other types of integration that are already organised worldwide. To do so, we will have members who will explain Panarabism, Pan-Africanism, Democratic Confederalism or Latin American integration, to learn about the projects being carried out in their territories.