Certification by the European Union does not guarantee mobility between peoples
  • Vaccination certification is expected to be ready by June, but it will not guarantee freedom of movement for the entire European Union.
Ixone Arana @ixonearana1 2021eko apirilaren 15a
Argazkia: Christian Córdova/ Flickr

The countries of the European Union have reached an agreement: in summer the vaccination certificate will be in force, but it will not guarantee free mobility. Exposure is based on the principle of discrimination in order not to discriminate against those who have not been vaccinated. The regulation will enter into force in June, six weeks after its adoption by the Governing Council.

The European data protection authorities have also warned of the risk that the vaccination certificate will become an essential condition for access to public places or for certain activities. "This can lead to unexpected consequences and risks for the fundamental rights of EU citizens," said the European Data Protection Commission and the European Data Protection Supervisor.

Free and for twelve months

The certified vaccine will last for one year and will be free of charge. In particular, it shall be written in electronic or paper form and in English and in the official language of origin. The document will state whether the holder of the document has received the coronavirus vaccine, whether he has developed antibodies after the disease, or if he has had a negative PCR in recent days. Only vaccines approved by the European Medicines Agencies shall be valid.