One more step by the European Union to the detriment of the public pension system
  • On Thursday, the European Parliament took a further step in favour of private funds that complement or replace public pension systems: It has adopted the European Product for Individual Pensions (PEPP) regulation.
Juan Mari Arregi 2019ko apirilaren 05

The European Union has shown more than it has been so far. It is the Europe of those who want to put everything on sale, and not the Europe of the peoples. It has once again demonstrated that it is at the service of the lobbies of capitalism, this time at the expense of the European pensioners. European legislation on the European Product of Individual Pensions (PEPP) was adopted by the European Parliament on 4 April.

This step may represent a new leap for the public pension system, which is committed to private funds, to complement or replace them, as they will become increasingly scarce. But where is the origin of that scarcity? The public system does not take into account the needs of pensioners.

The European Union should ensure adequate public pensions to live in dignity and require each Member State to shield its own public system. But instead, it has given way to capitalism. With private funds invested in high-risk operations, capitalist lobbys will take advantage of the situation to continue to accumulate profits at the expense of the public system.

The Basque pensioners have so far shown great unity, firmness and courage, and they have another challenge: to fight against the Europe of traders in the service of capital. On April 13, demonstrations will be held in the four capitals of Hego Euskal Herria. Among the demands and calls will not be those who defend the public pension system, or those who protect the complementary private funds, which are also supported by the Basque administration.