Launch a petition for universal basic income across the European Union
  • Citizens’ signatures are being collected to present a citizens’ initiative and to present a proposal to the European Commission to establish an unconditional universal basic income throughout the European Union. It is, among other things, about combating economic imbalance and poverty.
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The proponents of the initiative recalled the declaration adopted in 2017 by the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission: They committed themselves to “defending efficient, sustainable and balanced social protection systems” with the aim of “guaranteeing basic income”.

In this way, on the road to achieving universal basic income, they want to present the European People’s Legislative Initiative and are collecting signatures for it. The aim is for all people to have access to an income that meets their basic needs without exceptions. According to the ESK union, “it would increase the autonomy and real freedom of citizenship in the choice of work, training and vital projects in general”.

Yes, it's viable

The union recalls that it is financially viable, as it would be offset by taxes.

They stress that it would favour both the ecological transition and the fight for equality between men and women, although it would not solve all the social problems we have, it is yet another instrument for transforming society.

“Universal basic income would allow all people, and especially the most vulnerable, to have the maximum possibility of carrying out vital projects that they can choose for themselves. It’s time to put the lives of all people at the centre,” the Union Left Coordinator has claimed.