WHO warns that despite improving in Europe, the COVID-19 pandemic is going to get worse in the world
  • World Health Organization leader Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has clearly warned that cycling is a metaphor: “We have been with this pandemic for six months, and no country in the world can stop pedaling. Although things in Europe are going to be better, globally the situation is going to be worse."
2020ko ekainaren 09a
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus OMEren zuzendari nagusia.

On 8 June worldwide, COVID-19 has killed 3,157 people in one day and counted 107,270 new officially recognized infections. The day before, 130,000 new infections were recorded and, according to World Health Organization emergency officer Mike Ryan, most of them occurred in American and South Asian states.

In particular, Ryan referred to the countries of Central America and highlighted the case of Guatemala, where the plague is still getting worse. Of the 7 million coronavirus cases reported by the world today, 2.1 million are in Europe, 2.3 million in North America and 1.1 million in South America. Asia as a whole stands at 1.4.

Mike Ryan has repeated what the WHO has been warning of for a long time: speeding up confinement and increasing relationships between people will bring the second wave of COVID-19 around the world. In the meantime, it has underlined the need to help countries struggling with the first wave of the plague, especially Central and South America.