In Europe all new cars must have a data logger
  • The EDR device will be like a "black box" that will store, using a microchip, the driving data of each car. It shall be compulsory from July.
Gedar @GedarLangileKZ 2024ko otsailaren 20a

The European Union wants to reduce the number of people killed in road accidents to zero by 2050. Allegedly based on the fulfilment of this objective, various road and vehicle reforms are being implemented within the Advanced Driving Assistance System (ADAS). have been some of the measures taken in relation to this system.

Among these measures, it has been decided to place "black boxes" in new cars. This system, known as the Event Data Recorder (EDR), would be a data logger that would function as a black box of aircraft. It would receive and store information on driving each vehicle using a microchip.

From 16 July it will be compulsory for all new cars to have a data logger. The device is the size of a mobile phone and will be placed under the driver’s seat. It will record the telemetry of the car: speed, force, braking... Theoretically, in order to avoid traffic accidents, there will be a number of criteria to follow during driving and the information to be received by EDR devices will be marked following a "restraint system" and signalling elements.

Theoretically, data recorders will be activated five minutes before a crash occurs. However, the new system has been criticised because it may violate the right to privacy of drivers. They warn that EDR devices can be a source of information for traffic addresses, other authorities or insurance companies.

At the moment, and according to a Mapfre website, data recording will depend on each vehicle manufacturer, as it is not regulated what "data standardization" will look like.