Russian diplomats are still being fired by European countries
  • Last week it was Ireland, Belgium, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and other countries that expelled Russian diplomats.
Iñaut Gonzalez de Matauko Rada @inautogdm 2022ko apirilaren 05
Errusiako kontsulatua, Madrilen.

Spain has today expelled 25 Russian diplomats from the country and Zelenski will appear in the Congress of Deputies to account for the government’s decision. Italy adds 30 more, Denmark 15 and Sweden 3.

The expulsion of Russian diplomats has been one of the decisions taken by many European countries since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine, most of them accused of espionage.

However, Russia has not neglected the issue and, under the principle of proportionality, has responded to these decisions by dismissing a number of diplomats from those countries.

In addition to the armed conflict, this is another side of the war, along with the trade, propaganda and diplomatic war.