Europe spent 16% more on weapons last year than in 2022
  • The war in Ukraine and the situation in the Middle East have caused Europe to increase its military spending at unprecedented levels. Military spending has increased in Europe, but also worldwide. This is explained in the report of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute of 2023.
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The newspaper La Vanguardia has published a summary of the report for the door of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. He says in his article that Europe has also grown in military spending. In 2023 it has spent 588 billion dollars, 16% more than in 2022. The United Kingdom is ranked first. However, it is the rise of Poland that draws attention. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, military spending in that country has increased by 75%. It is by far the largest country. Finland joined NATO in 2023 and increased its military spending by 54%.

European authorities speaking without burdens

The newspaper La Vanguardia contains statements by the European authorities on the sounds of war. In February, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said: “The risk of war is not immediate, but it is not impossible.” Days earlier, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said “Russia’s risk is real.” The Spanish Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, highlighted in March as “a threat of total war.” In other words, the Catalan newspaper says that the European authorities clearly speak of “war”.

World military spending is growing by 6.8 per cent

In 2023, the countries of the world have spent 2,443 billion euros, 6.8% more than in 2022. It's the biggest year-on-year increase since 2009. Since the Stockholm organization began producing reports in 1988, the world has never spent so much on weapons. Colleague Nan Tian, who has participated in the investigation, has stated that “States give priority to military force. However, the geopolitical scenario and security are increasingly changing and there is a risk that the action/reaction will swirl”.

On the occasion of the war in Ukraine, Russia has increased its military spending by 24 per cent. It represents 16% of government expenditure, the highest percentage since the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. It represents 5.9% of gross domestic product.

Ukraine ' s military spending accounted for 37 per cent of gross domestic product, the largest percentage in the world. It accounts for 58% of government spending.

The United States and NATO in America continue to spend the most weapons in the world. They account for 55% of them.

In the Middle East, Israel has increased its military spending by 24%. It should be noted that the genocide against Gaza began in October, the end of 2023.