Antzuola City Hall is committed to avoiding eucalyptus and other plantations harmful to biodiversity
  • Antzuola City Hall, Eucalyptus, pledged at Tuesday’s regular plenary session to do everything possible to prevent the planting of all species harmful to land and biodiversity.
Goiena @goiena Maider Arregi 2020ko urriaren 30

EH Bildu tabled a motion on the planting of the eucalyptus at the ordinary plenary session on Tuesday. The motion points out that the planting of the Eucalyptus calls into question the current and future ecological societies and functions, and urges the Basque Government to draw up the Basque Catalogue of Invasive Alien Species and to the immediate opening of administrative procedures for the inclusion of the different types of Eucalyptus in this catalogue.

"In Antzuola in recent years, large areas of planting trees are being cut in the short term due to Pinus Insignia diseases, with the negative environmental effects that this entails. In fact, among the species proposed to replace pines are Eucaliptus Globulus and Eucaliptus Nitens," said territorial councilor Ion Aranguren. "We call on the Member to change forestry policies so that no more eucalyptus is planted in our territories and to plan an orderly replacement of the eucalyptus that currently exists in the mountains", he added.

The motion was adopted with five votes in favour of EH Bildu; the PNV voted against three and the motion to the plenary did not go ahead.

The forestry sector as the backbone

PNV councillor Miren Elgarresta justified her vote against: "The motion you have brought includes a ban on only one species being changed. We believe that the whole forestry model must be looked at and not just a detail. We are in favour of a more constructive policy and not of a mere ban. This motion lacks the forestry strategy of Antzuola. That when it comes to prioritizing different species, the City Hall does not use prohibitive and regulatory routes, but rather collaborates in the initiative of private forest owners through the incentive and promoter routes agreed with the Provincial Council".

Ion Aranguren, from EH Bildu, added that the City Hall is working with the forestalists and the owners of the local land. "If we are already working with the different owners of land and forests. Our intention is to create a cooperative with small landowners. Moreover, we have carried out this work within the framework of the Debagoiena 2030 initiative and we have been analysing the forestry strategy for about eight months".