A report publishes sterilization of about 16,500 children in Japan
  • A report published by the government provokes a anger in Japan. Between 1948 and 1996 he recognized the operation and sterilization without his consent of nine-year-old children.
Aitor Gurrutxaga Muñagorri 2023ko ekainaren 22a
Japoniako lehen ministroa

The Japanese government has recognized, between 1948 and 1996, that 16,500 nine-year-old children were operated and sterilized without their authorization, through a report that has just been published. This is a 400-page report on a eugenics law that aims to prevent the birth of "poor quality descendants" and protect the life and health of the mother.

The campaign launched by the victims has highlighted the Japanese state's mistreatment of people with disabilities and chronic situations.


Some victims have been compensated. In fact, four courts have defended the victims, while most have defended the government, saying that the 20-year limitation has been exceeded.