Etxeu Nahi Eguna will be celebrated in Getaria to denounce the stay of the Spanish Navy
  • Within the Zeruertza de Elkano project, the boat of the Spanish Navy Juan Sebastián Elcano will stay in the port of Getaria next weekend. To show their disagreement with this movement they have created the popular movement Etxeu Nahi.
Artzape getariarron topagunea 2019ko ekainaren 29a
Militarren etorrera salatzeko ekimenen artean 'kamiseta horien uholdea' antolatu dute

Next Saturday, 6 July, the Etxeu Nahi Eguna will be held. As they have announced, it is a "flood of these t-shirts", a batukada, a popular meal, a poteo bertso, and other activities.

On Monday to Friday from 18:00 a.m. to 20:00 a.m. between 1 and 5 July, t-shirts and ikurriñas will be offered for sale.




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