On Monday there is the corpse of a 44-year-old man in the Plazaola tunnel in the Rochapea district of Pamplona. The cause of death remains to be clarified, but no signs of violence have been detected, according to Euskalerria Irratia.
The municipal agents of Pamplona and a doctor came to the underground and witnessed death. The body was transferred to the Instituto Navarro de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses for the autopsy.
40 overnight in the street all year round, in Pamplona
Euskalerria Irratia has announced that in Pamplona, 40 people spend the night on the red street all year round. The closure of the Jesús and María Hostel in March pushed 50 people to live in the street, being the end of the protocol against the cold of the organization.
The associations Mugak Zabalduz Karabana, PIM-MIG, Mutual Assistance, SOS Racism, Lantxotegi Elkartea, Haziak, Paris 365 and Oxfam Intermon denounced in April that the closure of the hostel violates the fundamental rights of several citizens. Concentration in the City of Pamplona.