A homeless person dies in Bilbao, at least a fourth in a year
  • A cardboard and wooden hut burned in the Bolueta bilbaíno district and a person aged 70 dies in the fire. They have not identified the body, but according to the main beliefs the deceased is a homeless person who had the cottage as a home. Since January last year, at least four homeless people killed in Bilbao.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko urtarrilaren 25
Egun berean etxerik gabeko bi pertsona hil zirela salatzeko AZET Etxebizitza Sindikatuak maiatzean egindako elkarretaratzea (Argazkia: Ecuador Etxea)

A 70-year-old dies in Bilbao after firing the cabin he lived in. The accident occurred in the Bolueta district on Tuesday afternoon at the N-634 between Bilbao and Galdakao. In the absence of housing, the deceased person as a shelter had a wooden hut and cardboard, and is believed to be asleep inside at the time of the fire. The burned cabin was next to a fast food restaurant McDonald's, and the customers there have tried to extinguish the fire with fire extinguishers. But they have not succeeded.

They investigate the cause of the fire and transfer the body to the Forensic Pathology Service of Bizkaia in order to identify the deceased.

At least fourth dead in a year

With this latest death, at least four homeless people have died in Bilbao for a year. Last year, on 2 January, the death of a 40-year-old woman who spent the Night in Plaza del Ensanche and lived on the street was announced.

On 4 May there were two deaths. One of them was found early in the morning at the incineration plant in Zabalgarbi, a 20-year-old migrant who, according to the general assumption, was introduced into a sleeping container and did not notice the arrival of the garbage truck. The same day, a few hours later, the corpse of another man living in the street appeared on a bank in the park of Doña Casilda. Aware that he had not been moving for a long time, a citizen called the Ertzaintza. But when the ambulance arrived, it was dead.

Faced with the alarm of two deaths on May 5, the Housing Union of the Casco Viejo AZET concentrated in front of the City Hall of Bilbao. Despite the fact that the events were presented as "accidents" or "tragic deaths", in the hearing it was reported that these deaths were "clear and direct": from vultures that speculate with housing and turn it into merchandise (real estate, banks or large owners) to public institutions." Among them was the City Council of Bilbao as "the main responsible for the war against the poor that is taking place" in the neighborhoods of the city, and listed some indicators of that war against the poor: designing a postal architecture so that people do not sleep in the street, closing the Atxuri courts to prevent migrants from taking refuge in them, sending municipal agents every night to chase 20,000 homeless people.

"The City of Bilbao does not make social housing available to residents. But it also does not provide emergency services or guarantee the minimum resources for the management of poverty (including municipal shelters, permanently saturated). And much less offering a dignified welcome to those who are carrying out migratory processes," they stressed. Basically, treating homeless people who were imputed to the City Hall as a public order problem, when they are only victims of their policies.