Today we welcome the fact that thanks to various popular initiatives, and after 34 years of pain and death, the dispersion has ended. Both Sare and Etxerat have much of the success, and that is for the people who have mobilised, who have acted tirelessly and firmly.
On the horizon we have another step, releasing all the prisoners and returning home.
In addition to those who have been in prison for dozens of years, it should be noted that they were sentenced to home in special courts, and in most cases with information, statements and evidence obtained by torture.
The image of the Spanish courts, from the Courts of Investigation through the National Court and the Supreme Court, to the Constitutional Court, to which the European Court of Human Rights has conducted its work and has often given them colours in terms of torture is sad.
In the case of Hego Euskal Herria, according to various reports of torture, 5,379 people have been tortured.
The only solution is to release immediately all persons serving sentences based on information, statements and evidence obtained under torture.
At this point, it is inevitable to conclude that the sentences handed down in Spain in proceedings in which there have been allegations of torture, using as evidence the statements made in isolation for clearly understandable reasons, with regard to strict legal orthodoxy, are null and void, which is indeed demonstrated after torture because it is not the guilt of torture, but that there is no objective evidence of its guilt.
No one escapes when the accused is in a situation of abandonment that creates uncontrollable fear in his mood or extreme suffering from harm caused directly, it can be expected that missing facts will be acknowledged or that innocent third parties will be impelled.
The continued participation of the prosecutors of the National Court, whose colonial tone no one doubts, addressing the progress of the degree, obliges us to inform the public about the drafting of the sanctions.
The only solution, therefore, is to release immediately all persons serving sentences based on information, statements and evidence obtained under torture.
The facts affecting all the events that have taken place so far have not been investigated and 5,379 tortured persons have been properly documented to obtain truth, justice and reparation in all cases.
Txema Landa