They launch the 'Open Window' initiative to give voice to the little ones in the house
  • The leisure project OarsoIrria has opened a space for children to express their creations and messages. "What do you mean to the world?" Send your input."
ARGIA @argia 2020ko martxoaren 26a

The OarsoIrria project is committed to the leisure that is born and lived from the people, combining participation and community work. With the idea that the state of alarm and confinement suppresses the needs of children and their caregivers, the Leihoa zabalik initiative has been launched.

They will receive the contributions of children and adolescents from all over the Basque Country: drawings, stories, verses, poetry, crafts, photos, songs, audio, opinion... And then they'll try to publish it on their website to share it with other citizens. "We think it is very important that the voice of the little ones in the house be made public. This is the small contribution our community makes in this situation," they said.

OarsoIrrien has explained that we are all trapped at the moment, "some adults doing telework from home, others lost, salaried and self-employed... managing works of the children's school, giving mimeos, taking care of us...", and the needs and rhythms of all are not the same. Therefore, they consider it important to respect them and "take into account the word and the ways of doing" of children.

Children can send their contributions to From OarsoIria it is recommended that the child be "the guide" to this creative work so that he can freely create whatever he wants. All these works and messages will be uploaded to the website "little by little" and a photograph of the creative child can be attached, for which he must sign a public use permit.

More information here.