A household employee is legally recognized with the right to unemployment benefit
  • Although the SEPE was denied by the Spanish Public Employment Service, 7 of the Bilbao Work Area. The Court recognises the right of the worker, according to ELA. SEPE lodges an appeal.
Izaro Villarreal Lauroba 2023ko urriaren 26a
Etxeko langile egoiliarren eskubideen aldeko mobilizazio bat. Argazkia: Ecuador etxea

ELA has defined achievement as a very important resolution for household employees, “because it highlights the discrimination they are suffering.” The OPV denied the unemployment benefit to the worker, since in his working period as a household employee “he did not make an unemployment contribution”. However, the union has managed to implement Spanish Government decrees 16/2022, which entered into force in October, allowing it to win the judgment.

The union underlines that the new decree-law “better regulates” the rights of household employees: the obligation to pay for unemployment benefit and the right to receive it. The union considers the previous regime to be “discriminatory”.

For its part, the SEPE appeals the judgment to the Social Chamber of the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country.