Etxegarai again presided over the Single Commonwealth of Iparralde, with 63.8% of the votes
  • He shall remain president of the Commonwealth of Iparralde for the next six years. In a single candidature, the Abertzale Alain Iriart has won sixteen votes, two the Mayor of Angelu, Claude Olive, and one the Mayor of Gotaine-Irabarne, Bernard Lougarot. In white, 65 voters voted.
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2020ko uztailaren 17a
Euskal Elkargoaren biltzarra

In the vote on the Presidency of the Commonwealth of Iparralde, the plan has passed: being the only candidate, Jean-Rene Etxegarai will again be the president of the structure for the next six years. There were 232 seats in this institution, of which 148 voted in favour, 65 blank and 47 blank.

Although not nominated, sixteen voted for the mayor of the capital, Alain Iriart; two for the mayor of Angelu, Claude Olive; and one for Gotaine-Iribarne, Bernard Lougarot.

We recall that Iriarte already announced his intention to run as a candidate but the EH Bai coalition chose not to present vindictive candidatures, prioritizing the wager on Etxegarai, obtaining a "quick representation" in governance. In this way, Iriarte has not presented any candidature and, despite that, it is sixteen who have channelled the vote to him.

Following the election of the President, the Executive Council and the Preparatory Council will be completed on 31 July.

II Congress of Governance. Pact

In 2017, I voted. The Governance Pact is being discussed again and the II. They will vote on the pact at the next assembly. Meanwhile, governance is being discussed on 17 July. For his part, the electorate of Hendaia Paulo Arzelus Aramendi stressed the need to take into account "the challenge of the Basque Country" within the pact. In particular, it has underlined the need to continue working towards respect for the rights of our linguistic community, as well as the need to amend the law in order to achieve co-ordinality.

The centralist organisation of the institution has been criticised on more than one occasion, especially by the elected officials of the rural world. Etxegarai, who wants to take these considerations into account, expressed his desire to "combine efficiency" with "the guarantee of proximity".

The law of the new territorial order of France in 2015 allowed the creation of the Mancomunidad de Iparralde as a response to the institutional knowledge that had been claimed for many years.