The Basque Government will devote an "innovative project" to housing homeless people in Iparralde
  • The Atherbea partnership, which works in the social field, will make 20 small and mobile phones available to the homeless. Once and for all, the possibility of being there will not be limited in time and, furthermore, with the aim of recovering autonomy, they will receive aids and sequelae in different ways.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko urtarrilaren 27a
Proiektu "berritzailea" aurkezteko egin prentsaurrekoa

Homeless people will be offered the opportunity to take refuge "as a transition" and "without putting time limits", proposing about twenty mobile homes for Iparralde. They will be mobil’homes or tiny houses. Besides being immediately housed, this new project will be carried out with a clear objective of recovering autonomy. In particular, they will benefit from all kinds of aid and services, whether employment, health, social or other. In particular, the social partnership Atherbea will manage this path of "reintegration" with the support of Habitat Sud Atlantique in the field of social housing. They will also have the support of the institutions for their funding, including the French State, which has approved a budget of EUR 200,000 per year. Although open to anyone who needs housing, homeless people between the ages of 18 and 25 are at their top.

The association is looking for a space for these homes and has launched the call to the houses of the town. They start by looking at cities with a large population, because they're the ones who need it the most.

200 homeless in BAB Bayona-Anglés-Biarritz

A total of 1,300 people arrived at the social hostels that propose the reception of the day in 2020, with a total of 25,000 tickets. There are 200 homeless people at the BAR, 20% of whom are women. Moreover, the difficulties in housing many more have been favored by the high price of housing. At the same time, thousands of homes are empty in Lapurdi, Baja Navarra and Zuberoa, unused or empty most of the time as second homes.